1 Corinthians Bob Stewart CAP authors Distinct roles Ellen G. White Ephesians Genesis Headship John Marriage Revelation Submission Typology Women in Ministry Women's Ordination

Ordination: Biblical typology male and female

Pastor Bob Stewart takes a fascinating look at some of the male and female distinctives in the Bible, along with the Christ/Bridegroom church/bride typology. FIND IT HERE.

1 Peter 1 Timothy Colossians Doctrine of Unity Ephesians Gender Genesis Headship John Witcombe Submission Unity

Headship—A Path to Unity

Did male headship begin before the fall or was it instituted as a consequence of sin? Why is this question important? Pastor John Witcombe offers in this article a biblical answer showing that headship is the path to unity. Find it here!

Attitude delegated authority Ephesians General Conference Gerhard Pfandl Lee Roy Holmes Submission Unity

Submitting to One Another in Love

Here is a powerful article by Lee Roy Holmes about the crisis in the church and the biblical concepts surrounding how the church works together on disputed points. A must read! Find it here.