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Adventist Women on Ordination FULL (pts. 1-7)

The following seven links contain the FULL LENGTH presentation of Adventist women on women’s ordination.
Part 1: Culture versus the Bible (Length 8:33):

Part 2: Terms and Conditions (Length 6:06):

Part 3: Women’s Roles (Length 5:59):

Part 4: Effects of the Women’s Rights Movement (Length 8:02):

Part 5: Cooperation versus Competition (Length 3:41):

Part 6: Unity is in Truth (Length 5:04):

Part 7: God’s Word Our Standard (Length 5:55):

4 replies on “Adventist Women on Ordination FULL (pts. 1-7)”

True unity in Christ only,
The pioneers and generations of Christian Adventists
stood firmly on God’s truths and uplifted His church with Jesus
as the Head and the Bridegroom. Col. 1:18 “…. He is the head
of the body the church….” Notice carefully, there is no human
organized system that is put between His headship and any
person on earth. There are many facts in the Word of God to
firmly substantiate this position. Does not this give God and
Jesus Christ (His Blood for humans) the full inalienable rights
to setup His system? Of headship, order of ruling, submission
and to pattern each one of our lives after the set example of
Christ. His system is not based on changing culture and
traditions, human constructed unstable administrative systems
of governance and the extensive so called “research” of
scholars and men of repute in this denomination. Can a case
be made by the earthly organized system’s position on any
issue, on behalf of any individual and corporate group of
people, that would affect the outcome of God’s Judgement
of any single human being?
Is it not crystal clear that the devil through his agents has
brought the women”s ordination issue to the pinnacle of
dividing the people who claim to be under the Headship of
Jesus and His church? If as many claim that God changes His
position regarding His set order of rule, based solely on
the changing culture and attitudes of people, in this sinful
world. Then why are the same people preaching that God will
restore this earthly kingdom to be ruled by His Righteous and
absolutely perfect system. Must it not begin with the SDA
denomination that claims so vehemently, to be the Remanent
church? Is it not true the tares have to be uprooted by | 300 limit

Dear Sisters, thank you very much for your clear and hearty witness in the name of our
creator and redeemer Jesus Christ. May your words the hearts of the FO-promoter
soften and convince to do the will of God and His word. And I thank CAP, that they have made this possible.
The devil has changed the Sabbath in the other denominations, and now he wants to change the God given precepts in the remnant church. We must stand fast, and don´t go only one millimetre away from the scripture.
Allone God shall we give glory and not Satan. It would be a tragedy if the remnant church would give its glory in the last days the enemy of our saviour. God preserve us from it!

I was speechless for quite some tome after listening to these beautiful, humble women. I’ve really never experienced anything like this before, because I saw Christ indwelling in these women. No doubt in my mind – loving, gentle, and serving. Boy or boy, do I have a long way to go to have self exterminated so that Christ can dwell in me as He does in these women. What honor and glory they bring to God and Christ. Christ has been rejected so many times by all of us – how His heart must still break every moment. However, these women full of God’s Spirit have brought joy and honor to the Godhead as well as joy & wonder to all that dwell in Heaven and the Universe.

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